Scott Valley residents, please sign this letter !

Scott Valley Residents, please consider signing this letter by August 11th. It’s addressed to the State Water Board, which is considering a petition for new, permanent regulations in Scott Valley that could turn off all irrigation if the river’s flows don’t meet certain monthly levels. The flow levels being considered are unachievable in the Scott River in most years, and are worse than the emergency levels we experienced over the past two years. Please go to one of the businesses listed below by August 11 to sign this letter being circulated by Scott Valley Agriculture Water Alliance.

The letter asks the State not to eliminate agriculture in Scott Valley based on unrealistic flow standards for our river, citing data that shows the proposed flows are unnecessary and unreasonable.

The petition proposing these new flow requirements was filed on May 23, 2023 by the Karuk Tribe, Environmental Law Foundation, and two fishery groups based out of San Francisco. The State Water Board will hold a hearing on this petition in Sacramento on August 15. Scott Valley AgWA plans to be there in person to comment. We will present the Scott Valley letter and your signatures.

Please go to one of the following businesses by August 11th to sign:

Etna Creek Outfitters
Etna Hardware
Farmhouse Bakery
Fort Jones Hardware
Genesis Chiropractic
Main Street Salon
Marble Grounds
Marble Mountain Machinery
Mean Gene’s
Mountain Healing Spa
Scott River Pump
Scott Valley Auto Parts
Scott Valley Feed
Scott Valley Tire
Tangles Salon
Wildwood Crossing


Scott and Shasta Valley producers and residents: let your voices be heard by the State Water Board in Montague on Oct 30


Scott Valley farmers and ranchers, please act now!